Elena died of diabetes at the age of 64, as the family could not afford the necessary medicine.
In some suburbs of Manila there is a tradition for the deceased’s family to rent a karaoke machine in order to collect money for the funeral expenses. During the wake people come by, put a coin in the machine and sing a song for the deceased. Nearby, games of chance are played and the profits also go to cover the funeral expenses. Unfortunately, the weather was very bad with consequent power outages following Elena’s death, and very few chose to come by and sing. However, many people attended the gambling table.
Thank you to Elena and her family for letting me into their home and hearts in this very sad situation.
At the entrance of the family’s small house people who attend the wake can write their name in a small book.As most Filippinos, Elena was a Catholic.Elena’s daughters and friends of the family are sitting next to the coffin during the wake.Elena’s hand with money for the ferryman.A close friend of the family is singing a last karaoke song for Elena.A few hundred meters from the house, people are playing money games. The surplus is used to cover the funeral expenses.The names of the family members are attached inside the lid of the coffin.Elena is carried to the nearby Catholic church.In the church.Censers are waved around the coffin as a sign of reverence for the deceased’s body.One of Elena’s daughters receives a sacramental bread (a hostie) from the priest.After the ceremonies in the church, Elena is transported to the cemetery.Passing a child three times over the coffin is a way of protecting the child against any spirits who would want to harm it.Elena is buried in a top shelf in the cemetery in Cavite.Elena is buried in a top shelf in the cemetery in Cavite.