Liv&Død Prisen
30 October 2018Will be receiving Liv&Død Prisen (the Life and Death Prize) at a reception in Copenhagen – Landsforeningen Liv&Død, Nikolaj Plads 27.
16 October 2018Frederikshavns Bibliotek (Library in Frederikshavn, Denmark). Opening of exhibition. Reception and a 2 hours talk/discussion.
Liv&Død Prisen
24 September 2018Today it was announced that I will receive Liv&Død Prisen (the Life and Death Prize) 2018 for my work on making death a lesser taboo in Denmark.
Back to Tana Toraja
14 August 2018August 14-28: Going back to Tana Toraja, Indonesia with film producer Bjarke Ahlstrand to document the interesting rituals in this Christian region on the island of Sulawesi.
Embrace Death – The Dead and Alive Project
11 April 2018Today I gave an interview to film scholar and author Rikke Schubart. You can read the interview here:
CPH:DOX. Pressen – Politikens Hus
20 March 2018Part of a panel debate about grief under CPH:DOX. Pressen – Politikens Hus.
2nd prize Danish Picture of the Year
2 March 2018Awarded 2nd Prize in the Danish Picture of the Year contest for a series of portraits from Ma’nene ceremonies in Tana Toraja.